miss little lady miss how ever your hands bleed. red gunk glops on down your legs as you wipe and swipe and flick flap flop your hands over your thighs to watch them fade to dullness. not shy but wry, an arrogant girl, crude and rude and with a devilish deviancy. she trots on haughtily, sioux city in her sights. but her legs flake away and her muscles melt down and her bones are clumsy and dumb. the sun burns her eyes right up and her lips shrivel like thirsty leaves. her face sags off and slaps onto her arm and she shakes it off instinctually. basically, the girl’s but shit and dreams, and this is certainly no story of valor or heroism. just of one dumb bitch who went at it alone, falling to dirt before she knew what ‘it’ was. 

Author: eatingthebirds

i write

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